Known as the Coalville Adult School Drama Group, Bridge Road's Old Adult School Hall and Theatre is the Coalville Drama Group's home.
A memorial of war in residents of Coalville's memory who in the 20th century's world wars gave their lives: The clock tower that is memorial was in 1925 built by W Moss Ltd and designed by Henry Collings at a £2,250 cost, was a well-known landmark at the centre of the town is the clock tower.
A reference relating to Coalville's prosperity as a result of coal-mining, extractive industry, brick-making, and quarrying, the coat of arms of the district on 30 October 1974 was granted, and bears 'EX TERRA OPES', the motto, which means, "From wealth of the earth".
The pub in Hugglescote parish, prior to the Civil Parish of Coalville creation toward the nineteenth century's end, the premises is of a classical style that is stripped with a front fa ade that is faience and from the fact that the Stamford and Warrington Earl was once the Hugglescote and Donington manors' 'lord paramount' derives its name.
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